The PDS SDK Stack


Provides access to many different data source APIs.

Consent Engine

Your ticket to meeting regulations with specific, informed

consent. We take care of the presentation of consent

agreements and obtaining consent. Each detail the

specific purpose and data required to obtain clear

explicit and informed consent from your customers.

Stateless Cloud Compute

We have no access to any shared data. You and your

customers have the only keys.

Transformation Engine

Data is transformed to our normalised schema for simple

querying across a range of data sources

Secure Storage

For the individual

External Data Source Connectors

We do the hard work of maintaining many external APIs,

the qualifications, and the continual reviews, so you

don’t have to

Our infrastructure is protected

with a triple layer of firewalls, TLS,

Open API specifications as well as rate

limiting technology.

Multiple layers of firewalls protect the

infrastructure from the outside.

Network groups and software firewalls

ensure only nodes that are meant to

communicate with each other can do



Your app or service integrates with our platform using

our SDKs for iOS, Android or Node.js.

You can store personal data your app has collected or

generated as well as read data from many sources that

our platform can connect to.

The SDK connects securely to our cloud. Each app will

have a unique AppID, ContractID(s), Access and Refresh

tokens and RSA 2048-bit keys.

While it is possible to “talk” to the platform APIs directly,

the SDKs make this much easier.

The APIs allow you to create user libraries, store

personal data in the user’s library as well as ask the user

to connect to and then read data from the many sources

we support out of the box.

Consent Engine

Our platform comes with consent management built in.

Consent from individuals is obtained using standardised

consent contracts which spell out which data is being

shared with your app or service and under which terms.

All data access is logged, and a PDS makes it easy to

support features such as the right to be forgotten that

are mandated by GDPR, CCPA and other regulations.

Transformation Engine

While data can be shared in its original format the true

value of data can be unlocked when utilising the

transformation engine.

Primitive transformations which can be chained together

to create complex data transformations without the need

for a code change.

Secure Storage

Our secure storage is an extra layer of encryption that

protects individual user libraries with multiple keys

before they are persisted.

This secure storage layer is applied to all user libraries

regardless of which physical servers they reside on.

The PDS SDKs decrypt data using your private key

once it gets to your app or service. The decrypted data

is presented to your app as a series of developer-friendly

JSON files.

Stateless Cloud Compute

At the core of our platform are specially engineered

functions that contain no context about individuals or

their personal data.

These stateless functions are fed the context and keys

they need on demand by your app which has obtained

consent from the individual to do so.

PDS does not retain keys or even knowledge of who

the users are and therefore cannot physically access the

contents of the libraries without being directed to do so.

Data Sources

While you can store and read personal data obtained or

generated by your app, we also provide ready-made

connectors to a variety of external data sources.

We take care of access qualifications, api changes, and

ongoing reviews, saving your months and even years of

development and management.

Enterprise Enquiry

We are dealing with high volumes, so please give us ~48 hours to get back to you.